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Journal Teunis's Journal: gamergate

the more I hear from proponents of this, the more I see it as being no different than any other mob out to corrupt the masses.
Y'all are doing great press in gamergate to show yourselves as being bullies, harassers, and in general a great example of corruption in gaming. You're screaming and railing (and causing a lot of trouble) because it seems your privilege of being able to invade others' private spaces without their permission is being questioned.
Probably because you were beaten as a child. Well so what? so were your targets (likely). So were everyone who you're "trying to show as being The Monster".

I'm sorry, that doesn't cut the mustard.
You want good games? Make 'em. Don't cry to me if you can't - because you're obviously too busy harassing others to do anything productive.

Me, I make games these days. and I'm getting real tired of the poison your group is spewing into my field.

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