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Journal karniv0re's Journal: application/octet-stream Issue in Konqueror

Taken from this minimalist page:

Couldn't find MIME type application/octet-stream.

KDE returns "Couldn't find MIME type application/octet-stream" at startup and/or Konqueror returns the same error message when launching whatever application.

Start the Control Center and open KDE Components/File Associations (kcontrol) Expand "application", you will probably see that there's no entry for "octet-stream". Click on "Add...", for "Group" select "application" and for "Type Name" fill in "octet-stream". This should fix it.

Alternatively, I also read that you could delete the file /home/userID/.kde/share/mimelnk/application/octet-stream.desktop I tried it and it also works but I'm not too comfortable deleting files without really knowing what they do, so if you decide to do this it will be at your own risk.

First method worked. Rawk.

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application/octet-stream Issue in Konqueror

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