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Journal jeepliberty's Journal: Happy Birthday, Ralph. Where ever you are 1

I'll bet most people had a close friend in college like my friend Ralph. I met him when in a sophmore EE class. A shy, nerdy guy who kept to himself. Until I wedged myself into his life.

We became close friends. He owned a Hobie Cat and I became a his regular crew. We scrappled for the same girls.

Every semester I took a fun class to get out of the engineering building. I saw a different side of Ralph when, for "fun class", I selected piano. I found out that, in high school, he was a concert pianist. He spoke about his big recital.

Knowing nothing about piano, I asked "What did you play? The Beatles" I never saw him laugh so hard. It was years later that he demonstrated for me his talent at playing Chopin, Mozart, and those other guys.

I lost track of Ralph after graduation. We both went our separate ways. Tonight I went to a Music presentation at the MUN Music School in St Johns, Newfoundland.

A University presentation entitled "Get Back: A tribute to the Beatles and other 60s Music."

I thought my Beatles comment was not so much from left field. Then I remembered, Ralph's birthday is July 3rd.

Happy birthday Ralph, where every you are.

My Photos of the Beatles Tribute are here

Oh, and I used Beatles music for a Florida Surfer grom Sam Duggan who was all "yellowed out" in this video on youtube here.

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Happy Birthday, Ralph. Where ever you are

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