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Journal MondoMor's Journal: Need more proof how bad Slashdot sucks? 1

AnimeFreak has updated his journal with another interesting observation -- people are getting BANNED.

Apropos to this, I was unable to post this comment in a thread, so I had to do it anonymously (surely bringing further wrath from michael upon other MondoMor posts). I'm surprised my comments in journals haven't been modded down yet.

And HEY! Guess what? That comment was modded down as "offtopic" less than a minute after I posted it. Gee, you think perhaps Slashdot editors know their site is absolute shite and are trying to keep the noise down?

I'm proud of this rant (I'm easily pleased), so I'm posting it here, too:

Free as in market...the RIAA and MPAA are hurting the U.S. economy.

You've heard it here first, Slashdotters! This week (possibly even until the next übergeek DVD or shitty white hip-hop CD comes out) both the MPAA and the RIAA are BAD.

Time to update your scorecards.

Other points of view guaranteed to get karma:

1) If a piece of music playing hardware only supports mp3 (or, God forbid, WMA), the correct response is "Well, I'm not buying it until it supports Ogg Vorbis!".

2) No matter what, the response to anything about Microsoft should include: a "$" in place of the "s", some reference to MS buying their way out of trouble, a rant about open vs. closed software and how bad closed-source is (just forget about the recent trojanized SSH please), and some reference to "Clippit" the easily-disabled assistant found in MS Office. Funny how a bunch of people who brag endlessly about compiling all their software before installing it and hacking the kernel can't even find out how to disable something in a fucking GUI MENU.

3) Everything old is new again -- sometimes "IN SOVIET RUSSIA" and "FIRST POST" posts, if timed well and posted by someone with already-high karma, can get even more and rated "Funny".

Got it? Good.


I just wanted to add that I've gotten several new fans lately and, honestly, this whole fan/foe/friend/freak thing is the best troll and anti-slashdot assisting tool ever created. Sure, CmdrTaco's NoMoreTrolls list is a way for normal users to block us, but we trolls can now create our own Troll subculture. Thanks, Taco, you stupid git!

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Need more proof how bad Slashdot sucks?

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