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Journal egork's Journal: Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard under Linux Kubuntu 8.04

I have posted a request for support for the logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard under Linux.

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To make the keyboard fully functional under Linux a few scancodes are requred.

The keys that I couldn't get codes for are:

        * "Phone" Key (Fn + F1)
        * Magnifying glass keys (along the left edge) (KEY_ZOOMRESET, KEY_ZOOMOUT, KEY_ZOOMIN)
        * A B C D keys (Fn + F9-F12)

Could you please post it on your website or email it to me to be posted online.
Thanks a lot for your support in advance!

Here you can find some further information if you wish.
Otherwise, here's the contents of my $HOME/.Xmodmap file:

keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 122 = XF86Search
keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
keycode 236 = XF86Mail
keycode 130 = XF86HomePage
keycode 129 = XF86MenuPB
keycode 115 = XF86MenuKB

Egork Update 2009
As the page I am linking to is dead now I am including its snapshot from Google cache:

Posted by Chris Tue, 29 Jan 2008 15:39:00 GMT

I love my Logitech diNovo Edge keyboard, and I only recently got some of its special keys mapped and working in Linux. Doing this required using xev to gather the keycodes for the various special keys and functions on they keyboard and then setting up an Xmodmap file mapping these keycodes to various XF86 actions.

The keys that I couldnt get codes for are:

  • Phone Key (Fn + F1)
  • Magnifying glass keys (along the left edge)
  • A B C D keys (Fn + F9-F12)

Otherwise, heres the contents of my $HOME/.Xmodmap file:

keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 122 = XF86Search
keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
keycode 236 = XF86Mail
keycode 130 = XF86HomePage
keycode 129 = XF86MenuPB
keycode 115 = XF86MenuKB

Then, if youre using KDE, you can the KDE Control Center -> Regional & Accessibility menus Keyboard Shortcuts or the Input Actions sections to map these new keys to events.

One important part is to make sure your .Xmodmap file is loaded when you log in, you can do this via a bash script in $HOME/.kde/Autostart that looks something like this:

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

Also, I followed some instructions found here for general XModmap usage and help: Multimediakeys with .Xmodmap HOWTO


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  1. Sander 2 months later:

    Hi, I am planning on buying one of the DiNovo Edge keyboards for a Linux based media center. Using normal keys and mousepad, is it supported out of the box?


  2. Diego 3 months later:

    Sander, It worked on Kubuntu just out of the box.

  3. 3 months later:

    I have send a request for lacking scancodes to the Logitech. The reference number is 080504-001326. Apart from that this script event.html can detect KEYZOOMRESET, KEYZOOMOUT, KEYZOOMIN, but does not show the scancodes unfortunately.

  4. James Oswan 3 months later:

    take a Look at this.. Seems they have done all the Job. Just download and use it

  5. Jürgen Pfennig 5 months later:

    Hi This Hidpoint link is suspicious. The offer is apparently not OSS. The company does not even specify an address (which would be illegal in my contry). What makes you so sure that you dont install a keylogger? Their terms and conditions explicitly say that you are not allowed to diassemble the software. If had done so and had discovered some spy ware feature I would not be allowed to tell you.

  6. Chris 6 months later:

    Ill leave the hidpoint comment, may be interesting and might be legit (I cant vouch for them, I havent installed it). If someone sees this and knows more, please post it.

  7. Behni 7 months later:

    I watch just keyWatcher ( , UltraXRemote) This provides some additional keycodes: KEY_ZOOMIN: 418, KEY_ZOOMOUT: 419, KEY_ZOOMRESET: 420

  8. Tom 8 months later:

    Hi I tried HIDPoint. They have done really a good work. I was not able to make my logitech devices work before in Ubuntu. I tried hidpoint software. It really made my logitech devices work.

  9. 8 months later:

    InputEvent able to show keycodes. Just set $INPUTEVENTDEBUG before running it.

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Logitech diNovo Edge Keyboard under Linux Kubuntu 8.04

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