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United States

Journal JetScootr's Journal: What I'm really worried about.

When the US constitution was written, there were many rights taken away from the government and given to the people. The founders were wise to the ways of government, and did their level best to make sure the government would not take them away, using words like "inalienable" and "shall not be infringed".
Most these rights have finally been fully eroded away. The US is no longer under the control of its people, or of its constitution.
Examples: "The right to keep and bear arms...shall not be infringed". Keeping and bearing are two different things. "Bearing" means carrying. I can't carry any weapons without being imprisoned. How can anyone say this right hasn't been "infringed"? It's been REVOKED completely. Why do I want to carry a weapon? Because the US courts have decreed that the police are NOT responsible for protecting people, that "law enforcement" means trying to catch the guy that killed you, not preventing your murder in the first place.
"Secure from unreasonable search"...but now the police can monitor all my activities, online or off. My house can be searched without a warrant. Where does "reasonable" enter into this?
But what I'm really worried about - big business in the US is exporting its totalitarian ideals to every industrialized nation. Stupid, unconstitutional laws like the DMCA have their counterparts being pressed forward in any country with equivalent industries. China loves us for this - we're developing the legal and digital technologies that will enable them to finally, once and for all, obliterate any dissension within their borders. And we're testing it out on ourselves first, then freely exporting it to any interested parties.
Within five years, the US will be a police state equal to or worse than any envisioned by the darkest political writers of the twentieth century.
The twenty first century will be the century that re-introduces corporate-backed slavery to the US.
And like the slavery of old, it will taken centuries and bloody warfare to win our freedoms back again.

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What I'm really worried about.

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I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
