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United States

Journal frankie's Journal: Angry and saddened by the state of our civilization 1

Today I spent a few minutes in blogsearch about Mike Gravel switching to Libertarian. One of the blogs I pseudo-randomly browsed was "That's Right Nate". His views on Gravel were similar to mine (assuming he was being sarcastic about the New Deal being Libertarian), so I decided to read on. That's when I came to this:

During the 2000 Election there was a great deal of discussion about John McCain's dughter. The story that his campaign told was that he adopted her from Bangladesh. The story that Karl Rove and George Bush told was that she was his daughter from a tryst with a black woman. I thought about and prayed about this question for some time before finally accepting the Bush/Rove story as truth.

Re-read that last sentence a few times. Nate prayed about these two opposing narratives before picking one to believe. He apparently continued to believe Rove's version right up to this week. The notion that one could find objective truth to support one story or the other never even crossed his mind.

I had always assumed this sort of behavior was (other than perhaps GWB himself) just a caricature. To see an ordinary person honestly making political decisions from his gut^H^H^HGod was appalling. It brought my opinion of the average US citizen to a new low.

I definitely need to rent Idiocracy ASAP.

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Angry and saddened by the state of our civilization

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