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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: When usin a knife o cut bread, wach your fingers. 1

I will not be correcing this JE for spellin.

This morning while makin toast for my loely wife as she was gettingh ready for work, I sliced the tip of one of my fingers off.

Saw, saw, saw, Hello pound of flesh!

I yelled immediately and ran to the athroom wih the dismembered finger piece and washed off as much blood as I could. Then wih the help of my wife, I stuck the piece ack on as well as could be expeced and stuck a band-aid on i.

I uess my wrihing on the bathroom floor gae her the idea to take me to a hospital to hage them look at it.

Easy stiching, I guess, because I was done with that part in less than 10 minutes. Howefer, the strain had caused my blood pressure to drop considerably (64/30) and I just about passed out in the docto's office. Well, that was before I panicked and ran to the sink to throw up yesterday's dinner (we hadn' eaten breakfast yet).

So I got to lay down for a little while in the ER while those sexy Japanese nuses kept walking y the doorway. It would hae been better, no doubt, if my wife wasn't right next to me making sure I wasn't leering at them.

I went home, sponge-bathed myself, and am now at work. The finger is still pretty num from the anestheic, but I can defintely feel some pain coming back. As a programmer, poundinf on the keyboard is killing the finger.

Oh yeah, it's Christmas and the Japanese work on this day. Weirdos. But then again, I'm here too. At least I'm bitching about it.

Anyway, the question of the day is: Which inger did I lop off?

Bonus question: Am I right or left-handed?

And a Merry Christmas to you!

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When usin a knife o cut bread, wach your fingers.

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  • Well, since you are missing most of the 'F' 'G' 'V' and 'T' letters from your JE, I assume you are using a standard keyboard layout, and not Dvorak or some strange Japanese contraption. This also leads me to think that you sliced off the finger closest to the thumb on your left hand. Also, this means the knife was in your right hand, and since most people cut with their dominant hand, that would make you right handed.

    Since you are already over there, can you sing Mr. Garrison's Christmas song for all the Shintoists? (If you aren't a South Park fan, that will mean nothing to you.)

    Get better soon. Merry Christmas.

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
