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Journal phyxeld's Journal: There's a new XML subset on the block 1

While Dr. Poindexter's IAO has Total Information Awareness pretty well covered, you may find yourself wondering: Who's going take care of Information Exploitation?! Why, the Information Exploitation Office , of course! While the IAO takes care of important tasks like Wargaming the Asymmetric Environment, the IXO is off developing a new XML subset: The DARPA Agent Markup Language. I'm just glad that we've got the The John Poindexter Awareness Office (JPAO) so we can keep track of all this.

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There's a new XML subset on the block

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  • ...i worked in a lab on campus that was looking into DAML. I left that lab shortly after they started looking at it, so I dont know how much it's used. The lab does a lot of AI stuff with regards to manufacturing applications, and i think AI is what DAML is intended for.

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
