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Journal AB3A's Journal: On helping one another

I've seen a rash of bad behavior among technically oriented people recently. We all love to poke fun at PHB gaffs, of course. But when someone actually asks a "dumb" question do you get snotty and tell them to RTFM or LIU, or do you try to find out what it is that they don't understand?

I know, having read many manuals and software, what a good, well organized set of documentation looks like. Yes, I built Heathkits when I was a kid. Yes, I knew what the documentation in those old DEC "Grey Walls" looked like. I also got a good look at the Orange wall(RSX-11M+) and the Blue bookshelf (RT-11). Those are some of the best examples of documentation I have had the good fortune of using.

I've also seen more than my share of not just bad, but outright wrong documentation. No, I won't mention any examples to protect myself from retribution from the guilty. In case you're wondering, the world is not a fair place, and my point wasn't to lambast those who produce bad documentation. It happens.

My thesis is that having figured out the documentation or the product itself and you understand it, be a mensch, and help out others who follow behind, if you can. Some folks ask some innocent but very complex questions. If I can't explain the answer to them, I can at least explain why I can't give a straight answer.

Here's what you'll get out of the deal: First, if the documentation wasn't read, you'll know that people aren't reading it and you can try to find out why. If the documentation was read and misinterpreted, take notes as to what got misinterpreted and try to clarify it. And if someone is thinking too hard and went off the deep end reverse engineering your product, make a note of that too. There is such a thing as dumbing down the documentation too far.

It helps to know your clients. It also generates good will. And if you don't have clients, remember, it still applies.

If you're in to ham radio, remember that the government didn't assign you that bandwidth so that you could be snotty to new-comers. If your hobby is racing, remember why so many still revere Dale Earnhart. If your hobby is amateur computing, just remember that what goes around comes around. Don't get caught with a bad piece of documentation if you aren't willing to help others with theirs.

Many people believe that the only good things in life come involve effort. However, very few people really want to do what has been done before. They want to put their efforts in to something fresh or unusual. So if you had a hard time with some technical concept, help someone out with it. Do this even if they're supposed to understand it in the first place.

Which leads me to the last part: Much of the snottiness is this attitude of "You're supposed to know that from your degree/certification." Well, there is a vast gulf between knowledge and understanding. One can know something very well, but not understand the implications. Teaching others is about making the connections --not about the facts themselves.

Help your neighbors make the connection. What's the point of recycling old challenges already won? Try to remember that it's not progress if everyone keeps having to fight the same old challenges.

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On helping one another

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