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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: Do bald people get dandruff? 4

Why? Why not?

How about people who shave their head?

If they don't get dandruff while bald (I'm assuming they don't here), what is the threshold at which dandruff comes back?

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Do bald people get dandruff?

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  • poor poor hair (that is why I dread going to the barber)
  • Dandruff is just skin flakes caused by a dry scalp. I don't think that it is dependent on having hair. It could be worsened by factors related to caring for hair, but I think you can get it even if you're bald.

    Now, the question that every wants answered: why are you asking? :)
    • Dandruff is just skin flakes caused by a dry scalp. I don't think that it is dependent on having hair. It could be worsened by factors related to caring for hair, but I think you can get it even if you're bald.

      Back in my beard days, dandruff was a constant problem. Your skin on your cheeks and such get dried out pretty bad, for some reason doubly so under hair. Shave, you are fine. Beard, you have to keep up on it or you get a bit of a snowstorm following you.

      I'm not sure if ones head follows suit with that, but you can always put lotion on a bald head :)
      • you can always put lotion on a bald head

        Well, technically, you can put lotion on a hairy head as well, it's just a little harder to clean up. :-)

        Yeah, I have to keep lotion on my face since I have grown a beard... one of the reasons I'm considering shaving.

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