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Journal wiwex's Journal: Wiwex, the new browser plug-in

Wiwex (Where I Was EXplorer) - is a browser plug-in, which provides an opportunity to search information only on the web pages that you have visited online.

It is not uncommon to remember that you've read, say, something about the new model of a telephone, Scooby Doo or Kennedy's assassination on some web-site, but you cannot recall which site it was. The standard method of finding it is to go to the search site, enter the request, look through all the given pages, trying to find the one that you've been browsing, and go to it if you find it.

What if the web-page you are looking for is on the 15th page of the search, or of you don't find it at all? What can you do if you vaguely remember the site name and, for example, the month when you visited this web-page? This is where Wiwex may come handy. Just enter the keyword and find the necessary page only among the pages that you have visited.

Another situation. You received a link by e-mail, opened it, but had no time to read it and were distracted by something. Indicate the approximate time interval when it took place, and Wiwex will give out all the web-pages that were opened in the given interval, be it one day, one month or one hour.

One more variant. You are browsing pictures and want to remember several of them, to show to your friends later. Suppose you are in the office. Should you send the links to the pictures to your home e-mail address? There is a simpler thing for you to do - with one click add the links to "Pictures" in Wiwex and, when at home, look through the miniature images to easily find the ones that you are interested in. Also, you can to add the link to the current page to "favorites", by one right mouse click anywhere on page and select "Add page to Wiwex Favorites".

You can install the program both at home and in the office. It makes absolutely no difference, where you use it - all the data is preserved in the common database on the server.

The system works on a very simple principle. You register on the server, install the program and start it. After that your browser begins to send the links to the web-pages that you have visited to the special searching robot of the Wiwex server, which indexes the visited pages and enables the search only in the catalog of these web-pages.

The program is developed in compliance with the confidential information protection, therefore the robot cannot enter the web-pages, protected by the password (you e-mail account, for example) and we do not ask our users to give their real names or e-mail address. One user can't browse the pages visited by other users. Moreover, you can add certain sites to the list of "indexation restricted sites" yourself and the robot will keep away from them while working with your links.

The idea of developing Wiwex appeared in January 2007, and it took a team of five people working intensively too many days to create the software which would satisfy the initial expectations and be convenient and flexible, and to create the server mechanism allowing it to perform the necessary tasks at the required quality level.

At this moment the program is still being worked on, so we would appreciate it if our users take time to share their ideas, suggestions and feedback about the program performance with us.

Wiwex PR-manager
Igor Vinogradov
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Wiwex, the new browser plug-in

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