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Journal Daengbo's Journal: Linux on the Desktop - Everex gPC Review - 1 1/2 out of 5 1,2704,2227810,00.asp

This is the first impartial (read: not on a pro-Linux site) review I've seen. It IS on PCMag, a pro-Windows site, so that's something to consider.

The review is less than glowing. The only pros listed are the price and the lack of viruses. The reviewer even goes so far as to say the technically minded should download another Linux OS and install it on another computer.

Also mentioned is the Firefox/Webrunner problem, which I've commented on in another forum. Webrunner is a version of Mozilla specifically for web apps. Facebook, Wikipedia, and Youtube open in Firefox: The Google search opens in Webrunner. The interface should be consistent: either use Webrunner for the web apps or don't.

I happen to like what I've seen with gOS, having played with it in a virtual machine for a while. Mainstream reviewers don't seem to be impressed with it, however.
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Linux on the Desktop - Everex gPC Review - 1 1/2 out of 5

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