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Journal spun's Journal: Out with the old, in with the new 2

Well, everyone predicting this Mr. Y. thing wouldn't work out, you were right. He turned out to be a lost cause. But, wouldn't you know, something better turned up: Mr. M. Six foot six, built like a linebacker and hung like a horse. He and Jenny have GREAT sex, from what I hear. And he's not weird, in fact, he and I hit it off perfectly on first meeting. He's very respectful, not very needy, and potentially a great wingman for me getting some strange of my own. He's brilliant, and a great big nerd to boot, a mathematician to be exact. Funny coincidence, my first polyamorous experience was with my girlfriend of the time, Jenny (different Jenny) and a mathematician named Lee.

Jenny and I have been going to individual therapy and couples counseling. Our relationship has never been stronger, and our sex has never been better. Work is going great, got a great review and a raise. About the only thing stressing me out is Jenny's sister. She's still living with us and shows no signs of looking for another place. She's demanding and selfish and expects everyone around her to entertain her. And she is always there, so Jenny and I have a hard time finding the time or privacy to really connect. Well, it's time to have a talk with Rachael.

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Out with the old, in with the new

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  • I was just looking for you earlier today. I was looking for music on Youtube, came across Peaches again and thought... I haven't seen a ~Spun message lately.. Anyways.. you certainly hit a nerve with me in the summer, and I ended up seeing a therapist (still seeing) a getting down on a couple of issues. Thanks for calling me out. It helped. Nice to hear all is well in Never Never Land. :") See ya! -OldSchool
    • by spun ( 1352 )
      Yeah, things are going pretty good. Mr. M. and I hit it off so well, Jenny has to set ground rules like, "When all three of us hang out, no going off and playing CivIV together all night long and ignoring me." Hehe. It's been really good for her because of her self image. Being overweight from a young age, she never felt very feminine. This guy dwarfs her so much, when they are together she feels dainty and girly.

      It's amazing how much attitude makes a difference in attractiveness. Jenny is a very attractive

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