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Journal myAmygdala's Journal: She said "in God we praise."

Baby announcement email at work. Congratulations. Name, weight, gender, date of birth. "in God we praise, (name typed as signature)." I was a bit shocked at the "In God we praise" part. It's kind of inappropriate. Kind of like "religious harassment". I wonder if I could sue and retire. This is America, after all.

And then I saw these Kucinich season's greeting cards. Send a Holiday Greeting Card promoting Dennis Kucinich! There is no better way to advocate Peace On Earth during this time of war and conflict. I thought it was kind of like the "in God we praise" thing. I mean, I suppose there are people out there who don't "believe" in Kucinich. And if you sent them a Kucinich greeting card, they might get offended or irritated. I mean, how would I feel if someone sent me a Rudy Giuliani seasons greetings card? Or one with baby Jesus on it? I'd burn that card. But what if it had a flag on it? Would that be against the law? I think there's a law against burning the flag. The American flag. Other countries' flags, I think you can burn. Just not the American one. But I'm not sure if they mean a "real" flag or just a cloth one. I don't know if the little plastic ones they sell during independence day for $5 count as real flags. Or if a nice greeting card with the flag printed on the cover is. That's just a card with the image of a flag on it. It's not a flag. It's a card. But the made-in-China mini-flags they sell in the drug store, those are flags.

Certainly, it's a terroristic act in any case. I probably shouldn't even be contemplating such an act, this whole "flag burning" thing. Anybody who even mentions the mere thought of contemplating burning the American flag might possibly be a terrorist.

I still haven't watched American Psycho. I'm kind of bored right now. I suppose I should get out of bed and feed the rats. Then World of Warcraft. Movies isn't a priority. I was just thinking that "American Homo Sapien" might be just as good an idea for a movie. I mean, the fact that Giuliani might even possibly be elected president, that says something right there. It would be a horror movie.

I mean, here we have this little Jesus-like elven candidate, and everyone here in America is supposed to be Christian, but he won't be elected, because people are stupid, and just vote for who the big, powerful corporations tell them to. Who would Jesus vote for, you know? Not that I believe Jesus was God in human form, who came down to be born as a Homo sapien in order to be killed, thereby forgiving us for being sinners, and permitting everybody to go to Heaven even though we're all fundamentally unfit for admission. No, nothing like that. He was just this peace-loving hippie who thought people should be nice and considerate. Jesus is like Ghandi or Mother Teresa. Or Kucinich. But I'm sure that will offend all the God-fearing Christian Homo sapiens who actually believe he was God.

It's probably easier just not to send out any cards at all. "Peace, good health, and prosperity for all?" Peace isn't prosperous. That's a contradiction right there. If you're having trouble with prosperity, you usually go start a war, or something. I think that's how it works.

"An organization dries up if you don't challenge it with growth." -- Mark Shepherd, former President and CEO of Texas Instruments
