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Journal claudia's Journal: So Simple, But Oh So Brilliant 1

You know how sometimes you have an idea and because it's so diabolically simple, you're convinced that someone else already thought of it so you just don't pay it much attention?

Don't. (Thanks Metafilter!)

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So Simple, But Oh So Brilliant

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  • Link says (italics from original):
    • I've decided to take my own small action against this whole
    • Information Security Agency bullshit. I don't like it, I smell the whiff of fascism (or is that brimstone?) and so I plan to non-violently protest it in the following manner: Every day, I will endeavor to say, email, or otherwise express over an electronic media something at least suspicious, if not actually subversive. I believe this is my duty as an American, a follower of Thomas Paine, a lover of liberty. ...

      And yes, it does bother me that I may well provide cover for some asshole with explosives. ...

      You see, I reread this post, and I felt a real fear. A clambering, slithering, nauseated fear that someday, I will end up imprisoned or even dead because I suggested this. The fact that I can feel that fear, a fear that threatens to make me silent, to shut me up in the face of what I think is wrong in America is the greatest reason I can think of to suggest this. I do not want the future to be a boot crushing my face, or anyone else's face, forever.
    What can I say, but : message received. The babies are in the cradle.

    I liked the line, "My plan is, once they institute the hotline to report suspicious activity, report EVERYONE. Every single thing I see that is odd, I'm going to the hotline. I'll even report myself, anonymously."

    And also liked the bit about how in Germany, pre-WW II, the growing gap between the people and the government made way for the secrecy, fascism, and atrocities that followed.

"The medium is the massage." -- Crazy Nigel
