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Journal GMontag's Journal: Has anybody alerted Ezra Klein yet?

Wal-Mart Wars [Jonathan Adler]

Long-time Corner readers may remember my run-ins with Cleveland's anti-Wal-Mart crowd. Well, they're still at it. Thankfully for Cleveland they did not have much success. Tomorrow morning ,the first Wal-Mart in Cleveland, a new "Super-Center," will open for business at the Steelyard Commons development. No local government subsidies or eminent domain was required to attract the store, which is pretty remarkable for a city that subsidizes local supermarkets and is struggling to redevelop. Nonetheless, some local busybodies opposed it. While they did not see a need, it seems many other locals disagree. The store reportedly received some 5,000 applications for 350 jobs.

10/23 02:42 PM

Has Ezra Klein been informed that there is another Wal*Mart opening in the USA? Well, Cleveland anyway.

Looking forward to his "end times" post about this one.

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Has anybody alerted Ezra Klein yet?

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