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Journal zukinux's Journal: Ultimate usage of computer knowledge is GETTING GIRLS?!

We got a very popular local site which is like myspace, you can meet friends, send messages via the website, etc.
Though, the popular usage of this site around here (in Israel) is basically to meet girls in the same age (there are lots of them in this site, and ~probably 70% of Israeli young generation use this website). <br> As you already figured out, I hope, our main goal, as males, in this world are to meet females, but can a bit sophistication help?

I didn't register the above site, and in-fact held myself against registration to sites like these, but I couldn't resist, and found myself, like my friends, wasting time and searching girls in this website. But I always thought (always == 2 minutes), can I make this automatic? If so? Maybe I should waste a bit of time just to do this as a challenge ?

So, I've used the website search functions and searched for the following : (I'm 19 years old BTW) 17-19 Girls old, Without a boy-friend, holds a valid picture in this web, that live near me --> It found 9000 Girls(!!) but, it only printed maximum of 25 users per page and only 7 pages of search. It took me some time, but after investigating a bit I've found out that I can make the server print whatever number I want of girls per page with a little modification of the POST method [the problem was that he checked the first parameter, but the second post, was never confirmed], so I've edited that field to 3000, and saved 2 of these pages.

Using Bash, I've done the following script to get only their site ID :<br>

#!/bin/bash -x
                                echo USAGE : enter $0 filename output-file;
                                exit 1
(($# == 2)) || usage;
echo Executing;
cat $1 | grep tid= | cut -d "=" -f 1,2 | cut -d '"' -f 3 | sort | uniq > $2;

So I now got 2 files of IDs, combined them into 1 file, and the next thing would be, filtering which one of them is blond or not? I've built the following script:

usage ()
                                echo Enter $0 word-to-be-filtered-on list-of-tids

if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then
                                exit 1

for i in $(cat $2); do
                                wget --load-cookies=/home/zuki/.mozilla/firefox/some-junk-string.default/cookies.txt http://site-name/Profile.asp?MemberID=$i -O tmp/$i.out; #path-to-cookie-file-is-hardcoded
                                cat tmp/$i.out | grep "$1" && echo $i >> list.out;
echo Succeded! Run ./SendMessage list.out Subject Message
exit 0;

I've entered to the site first with firefox in order that the cookie will be saved and my user would be authenticated, afterwards I used the firefox authentication at the wget command with the --load-cookies parameter, because users which are not logged in cannot view people's private album/profile in this specific website.

as you can already tell, the next step would be to send to every hmmm... blond? girl, that matches the above statistics, a generic message with the sentence : "Hi" on subject and "What's up" on the message body.<br>
I've investigated a bit, how the send message works, and built the following script that allows me, authenticated, send inline messages in the site to specific user :

#!/bin/bash -x
usage ()
                                echo Enter $0 list-of-tids Subject Message
if [ "$#" != "3" ]; then
                                exit 1
for i in $(cat $1); do
                                echo Sending msg to $i
                                wget --load-cookies=/home/zuki/.mozilla/firefox/some-strng.default/cookies.txt http://website-addr/send.asp--post-data="mail.asp&Rec=%5P%D$iSEP%5D&subject=$2&content=$3" -O out\\$i.out.message;
exit 0;

so I'm posting to all the blond girls, age 17-19, from my area, the message : "Hi, what's up?"

Can you find another way to use knowledge better? :)

P.S : It was only done for fun, I can actually get girls ( I hope ) when I go out (I do, I swear :) ), but this was done for only as a technology challenge to meet up with girls.
No harm was done by publishing this, I've changed the parameters of necessary information to do the same.
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Ultimate usage of computer knowledge is GETTING GIRLS?!

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