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Journal Erris's Journal: Did PC Superstore Get the Message?

Reassuring talk from PC superstore, was enough to make many people think that management had repudiated alternate OS bigotry. Alas, there is still no word of justice for man with a broken hinge, and the store was caught again by a Register reader. This time, they refused to replace a 17" laptop bag because the victim put a 17" Mac into it

The store finally backed down and granted Dave a replacement only after an extremely long-winded discussion in which he was told that "Mac laptops were too heavy". [The bag maker was contacted and said Macs are lighter than other laptops of the same size.]

Having cleared up that confusion we spoke to PC World to find out why its staff seemed to regularly shy away from anything that wasn't Windows-based. .... staff at the Leeds store believed that Dave's 17-inch laptop was too big for the, er, 17-inch bag. "I'm glad that the issue was resolved in-store," he concluded.

This story is amusing, if never ending, but it's much less important than the recent, blatant political censorship of email by AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft.

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Did PC Superstore Get the Message?

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