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Technology (Apple)

Journal a_skripko's Journal: Amazing Bookmarklets for Your Apple iPhone

If you are the iPhone's owner and you want to get all out of your mobile Safari web browser, then read this post very carefully. LifeCleaver, very interesting blog with a lot of different useful tips, has compiled a list of the most useful and powerfull bookmarklets on the Internet. The list consists of 17 bookmarklets from different areas on the net. If somebody don't know yet, what bookmarklets are? Read explanation below: "Bookmarklets are little pieces of Javascript code that can be saved as ordinary bookmarks in your web browser. They enhance your browsing experience by giving you super-instant access to useful tools and special functionality." LifeCleaver admits, that there are billions of bookmarklets on the net, and some of them can be very useful. And you don't need to be a tech maniac to implement bookmarklet. Test all 17 LifeCleaver's bookmarklets at .
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Amazing Bookmarklets for Your Apple iPhone

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