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Technology (Apple)

Journal a_skripko's Journal: Another Apple's Slap in the Microsoft's Pride

Today Apple officially announced that they have sold 1 million iPhones! Thus the company has executed forecasted plan to sold 1 million devices by the end of summer financial quarter. "One million iPhones for 74 days - to reach this mark it was required almost two years for iPod player", Steve Jobs speaks. "And we with impatience wait, when this revolutionary device will come into hands of signifantly larger number of buyers". It is curious, that news about conquest of an anniversary mark has come after some days after Apple has reduced the price on iPhone from $600 to $400. Many analysts predicted sharp increase in demand on iPhone. Also it is necessary to notice, that Microsoft with Zune player has needed more than 6 months to sold a one million devices. Certainly, we cannot compare both devices because of their completely different functional distinctions, however this announcement could become as another unpleasant slap to the Redmond's face.
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Another Apple's Slap in the Microsoft's Pride

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