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Journal DDX_2002's Journal: The problem with writing JEs ... 5

... for me is that I can't really talk about how my day went, or what I did, except in exceedingly vague terms, because it's all confidential and privileged.

When I was a law student, this wasn't a big thing. You hung around the lounge, you debated the big issues of the day, you went and had much beer, whatever. Now, I'm an articled student. What that means is that I'm working in a law firm, trying to get hired on as an associate when I get called to the bar shortly, have no life, and incidentally, have real clients so I can't talk about work. What with the "no life" part, not much to JE.

In case anyone is wondering, this is one of the reasons lawyers stick together so much socially: forget common backgrounds and ties, except insofar as they let us convey a lot of meaning about our lives without conveying any real information.

How's your day, Tim?

Crappy, my 18A got denied, and then they 19(24)'ed my pleadings on the other thing I'm working on.

Sorry to hear that, man. My day sucked too - can you say, Rule against Perpetuities?

Oh jeez! That's SO harsh. Will?

Worse. Really old deed, whole bloody thing might escheat, you know? Got dumped on my lap by a partner at 6pm. Due tomorrow.

The law types out there know what I mean.

I know a lot of you folks are in tech (and probably NDAed out the wazoo), which I suspect is much the same. But some of you actually have lives.

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The problem with writing JEs ...

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  • ... sometimes. My 'no performing until exmas are done' edict will be over shortly so I will regain mine and I'm *definitely* looking forward to that. My brother wishes to be a lawyer (he's just doing his OACs now, so he has a while to go) and he doesn't believe me that he'll end up studying a heck of a lot more than I do when he's gets to University. I do long for the day when I can turn to him and laugh ; )

    Even though I feel like I'm doing a lot of work (former CS, now Eng/Professional Writing Major - though you wouldn't know it from my JEs or page just yet), it's probably pretty tame compared to what you have to do. I also don't have that confidentiality thing over my head, which is a definite plus. I'll happily refrain from [insert bad lawyer joke here] because of my brother and the fact that my favourite prof was a practicing lawyer in the UK for many years. How much longer until you are able to regain some semblance of a life?
    • Well... one year, two year, four year up and out reviews... partnership decision around 7 years... at which point you have to really dig in and generate the business to keep the place running... long term you can look forward to the the merciful release of death in 45 years...

      • long term you can look forward to the the merciful release of death in 45 years...

        so long as you have a light at the end of tunnel ^_^
        • Despite the lawyer jokes, no one does this for the money, not that I've ever seen. If you work those hours, its because you really like what you're doing. Well, that's my theory anyhow. Of course, half my graduating class from law school won't be lawyers in five years, having quit or burned out. So there you go.
  • I'm sure we would all love that.. I know I would, but I'm just an asshole :)

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