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Technology (Apple)

Journal a_skripko's Journal: Iphone's Unlock Software is a very Profitable Business

Today, the company which has created iPhone's unlock software, has sent newsletter to all subscribers, claiming that they are ready for sale, they have been purchased by an undisclosed larger company. Well this is another proof that their unlock software really works, and smart rich guys have decided to invest some money in so profitable business like Apple iPhone. Read on for the full newsletter: Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 14:15:38 +0200 From: iPhoneSimFree Sales Reply-To: iPhoneSimFree Sales Message-ID: <> To: *deleted* Subject: again sorry about the confusion! Hello , as our operation grew quite big, we were bought by a larger company here in our country. This is why some proforma were cancelled, and we have switched to our new billing. Again sorry about the confusion. -- Best regards, iPhoneSimFree
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Iphone's Unlock Software is a very Profitable Business

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