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Journal jihadist's Journal: Heavy Metal: Socially Unacceptable by Sound, Idea

Metal is not acceptable for its views. It is masculine, assertive, and warlike. It does not use an accepted structure for controllable mainstream music. It does not attempt to distract. It's a war call. And socialized people don't like that.

Metal doesn't have political views, but it has ideological life values that conflict with modern society. Control is how we make money. Control is how we force other people to be our wives, friends, neighbors. Control is usurped by the independent, holistic-moral warrior.

Metal, socially unacceptable for its values? - death metal blog

I've found this to be somewhat true just from listening to people try to hear metal for the first time. If it's heavy metal, they're more relaxed. Death metal they don't even know how to follow. It sounds random to them, confusing and like its going in every direction at once. And then once they see the songs are about death and war, and aren't laments, they get worried. It doesn't fit into the moral paradigm, by sound or by sense. Metal is war, ideological values war against the sheeplike mentality.

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Heavy Metal: Socially Unacceptable by Sound, Idea

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