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Journal dextr0us's Journal: Articulating Excitement

I'm going to try to articulate how excited/nervous/filled with antici--------pation i am today.

Let me break down what channel one is for those of you who don't know.

Channel One News is a 10 minute newscast (w/ 2 mintues of commercials) delivered by satalite to 8 million middle school and high school students every day. I'm applying ot be an anchor for them.

Channel one is owned by Primedia (who i think owns about dot com), you can go to and watch their news.

I WANT THIS JOB SOOOOO BAD. I don't particularly want to do television news as a career. Its a downer, and you have to wear a suit, and yeah. With Channel One I could reach 8 Million kids (more than MTV does every day) and they'd be forced to watch my stories that affect [or effect] them. In effect [or affect], this is my dream job. I hope those people don't let me down.

Now you can see why i was pissed about the whole package incident.

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Articulating Excitement

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