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Journal SubtleNuance's Journal: apple screed

Apple && OSX are Lame Ducks

MS Ownes chunk of apple, to A) keep them alive && B) make them play nice

MS keeps them playing off MS's homecourt and in the margins (publishers, technology-as-art-kooks etc) long as they intend to keep their revenue from hardware and not the MS-unfriendly OS arena, MS will leave them alone - they have an non-competitive arrangment of some kind (maybe informally, but effective)

if Apple ever takes up the gauntlet (..port osx to x86 maybe?) then MS withdraws Office && Explorer... and bankrupts them.
so you see, the Apple vs MS argument is moot, in fact, Apple && MS have decided to work together, to their mutal advantage A) MS gets to prop them up as competition && B) Apple is allowed to stay in business.
  and I am tired of repeating this

What good is a ticket to the good life, if you can't find the entrance?
