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Journal Xerithane's Journal: My favorite /. thread. 3

I'm not sure why I find this thread so hysterical. I was originally being flippant, and it just turned into a rather entertaining read.

Here, recommended reading at +0.

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My favorite /. thread.

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  • Wow! That was one serious tangent you managed to open up there!
  • the one about the ducks! Wow! Those guys just went Fatwa on you didn't they?

    I've been dying to use that word in converstation. I say Grammar-Nazi is no longer "in," now it's Grammar Jihad. Then if you commit too many grammatical errors you'll get slapped with a Grammar Fatwa. I'm expecting mine any minute!
    • I've been dying to use that word in converstation. I say Grammar-Nazi is no longer "in," now it's Grammar Jihad. Then if you commit too many grammatical errors you'll get slapped with a Grammar Fatwa. I'm expecting mine any minute!

      There are a number of words I love to use, but every time I do (or attempt, as it seems) I just get met with a blank stare. Then I have to explain what it means, and it completely detracts from the actual point.

      I take pride in starting that thread though.

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
