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Journal LordBodak's Journal: Has it really been a year already? 2

Crossposted from Multiply.

Last May, I went to northern Virginia for C & L's going away party and wedding before they went to Iraq for a year. I saw them again in October at the more formal wedding in St. Croix.

Hard to believe it's been a year already. This past weekend they had a coming home party. The year in Iraq ended up being about three months in Iraq and nine in Afghanistan, but they had a good time, brought back lots of interesting souvenirs and stories, and they're home safe.

I took a long weekend to spend some extra time with them, and had a really good time. Over time I've become close with some of L's friends as well so it's always fun to get to see everybody. One of them (also an L, actually) and I are talking about going back to St. Croix since we were the only two that couldn't stay the entire week in October and we missed out on some fun things like the rum distillery tour.

I may come back with some more details from the weekend later, but this is a start...

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Has it really been a year already?

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  • Especially if you are busy with interesting things. The converse is also true: if your life is empty, time can go by so slowly.

    It would probably be real nice to get away on a "real" vacation. I'm now in a position where I need to not take any, so that I have a cash reserve at the end of the year.

    • My outlook is starting to change. I have always been reluctant to take a vacation b/c I didn't want to burden my co-workers who had to pick up the slack, etc. I only spent a few days in St. Croix because we had had such a busy summer at work I didn't think I could get away with taking the whole week. In the end, I could've, but I didn't know that until it was too late. I'm trying to take a new attitude towards it... I have the time, I should be using it and enjoying myself.

      The other L (L2?) is the sam

"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." -- Bertrand Russell
