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Journal jihadist's Journal: Apple denies support of Satanists

During the two years that these items were on our site, we received no complaints from anyone who stopped by to take a look. In fact, visitors asked if there might be a poster available of our parody (we answered in the negative) and some even expressed to us that they thought it a pity that Apple Computer itself had not had the testicular fortitude to have used the image of American religious pioneer Anton Szandor LaVey in their actual campaign.

We did receive one note of complaint, not from a visitor to our site but from a law firm representing Apple computer, claiming trademark infringement. We replied in detail, explaining the above, and we did not hear back from them for over a year. We recently received an e-mail, a more complete fax transmission, as well as a hard copy via snail-mail from the law firm Arent Fox with a new complaint, not quite identical to the earlier mail received from a different law firm. We have below reproduced our reply that was sent as a faxed document and it quotes the pertinent text from their complaint.

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Apple denies support of Satanists

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