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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Reply:Comment, GoodOne ...(%~).

AC,, your comment was a good one, but you need to keep up (if possible), I used the term demagoguery at some prior point in the string. Made-up figures (fits with demagoguery) don't scale into real-world politics in a free society (fits with hubris). Some folks like me reason logically and communicate with "Dark/Sick/Black humor" which is not well appreciated by the general US public. With better public education, I would expect far less folks to misunderstand my humor and reasons for expressing things with wild-crazy delusional/insane comical style. So, don't worry, be happy, and !HAVEFUN!

With the availability of revisionist content in our country, it becomes easier and easier each year to deceive the voting public, especially as the the younger generations are more and more informed by dogmatic demagogy content. It is through these very mechanism that, within the last 40 years or so, both major parties have come off looking like fart-eating, shit-sucking, ass kissers of elitists [AKA: Plutocrats] shit. Your demagoguery (of youth) may hold some kernel of truth, but it would only work on a parochial scale in our communities, as usual today.

I am cynical with reason. I regret; many young and old, US and EU citizens have lost and will lose many important intangible (freedoms, security, health, hope, dreams, life...) and real (wealth, family, friends) things/folks due to (political, corporatist, religious...) harmful/lethal plutocrat hubris [based in dogma, revisionism, demagogy ...]. This doesn't mean that all plutocrats are corrupt and out to get you any more than the remaining general public. Maintaining your delusional dogma-based perspective hasn't gotten US, EU, or others of humanity anywhere in the last few thousand years (AKA: religious chiliasm/millenium).

Which do you suppose is crazier, you, or world history? It appears that Occam's Razor may not easily/reasonably apply for folks that think, reason, audit and analyze to derive their answers [AKA: opinion (not good/bad, we just all have one)]. When there are no obvious and simple answers for folks, and a person/individual picks a fictitious dogma/mythology (we are not talking about science and math) to govern their life ... well !!! then a "pseudo-Occam-Razor" does easily/reasonably apply for the fleecing of sheep and the slaughter of lambs.

Yours' and others' use of "pseudo-Occam-Razor" reasoning is very dangerous, indeed it would convince others prone to dogmatics (AKA: BS-Logic) to kill for godma-sake.

Humor is best in a troubled reality.

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Reply:Comment, GoodOne ...(%~).

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