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Journal jihadist's Journal: 2600 Houston Meeting - July 6, 2007

2600/HAQR Meeting: Friday, July 6 in Houston, Texas

Friday, July 6, 2007 from 6 PM - 9PM
Ninfa's Express Takeout/Galleria IV, Houston, TX

Directions: Take 610 S and exit Westheimer. Take Westheimer to Post Oak and turn left. Take Post Oak to your second light, which is Hidalgo, and turn right. Take Hidalgo past the light to your first right; immediately take your first left turn into the parking garage. Go to the second level and enter in the door by the elevators. Ninfa's is on your immediate right after you enter.

mall map

About 2600

An organization for hobbyists, security professionals, hackers and unorthodox power users, 2600 brings together those who use computers without fear of The Rules.

2600 Houston

About HAQR

The Houston Area Quorum for Recidivism (HAQR) devotes itself to deontological, postmoral thinking in preparation for the world after modern society fails.


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2600 Houston Meeting - July 6, 2007

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The only problem with being a man of leisure is that you can never stop and take a rest.
