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Journal Zerbey's Journal: Baby Update: 11/24/2002

Our little boy slept through the entire 6 hours we where visiting today. He apparently had a very busy morning though, managing to drink to full bottles of formula - that's a huge step forward. He woke up very briefly when the Doctor examined him and then fell back to sleep.

On Friday afternoon he had a stress test, basically the regular examination all newborns get to test his hearing, reflexes etc. - because he is a preemie the examination was a little more involved. Thomas was not impressed by all the prodding and poking and so was not very cooperative, I must admit I didn't care for the nurse examining him either. However, he passed the tests OK.

Thomas had another tube removed Saturday, the one measuring his blood-oxygen level. It is supposed to be close to 100% and has remained there ever since he was put on medication so the doctors do not feel it is necessary to measure it anymore.

We had a long conversation with Dr Burzynski (I think I spelled that right!) his cardiologist today. He is very confident that Thomas will make a full recovery but it will take time. In his opinion whatever caused Thomas's heart problems was a very large infection or trauma during birth. We will likely never know what the real cause was, however.

I have been remiss in not mentioning who is caring for my son, these people are all highly recommended if you are ever in the same situation:

Dr Bayouth - Gynecologist
Dr Lipman - Pediatric Specialist
Dr Burzynski - Cardiologist

Plus a bunch of very talented nurses and support staff at Arnold Palmer NICU.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
