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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Paper Pens Tears 1

a prayer to my Angel for serenity

my Angel i ask Thee, lend me:

invisible arms to carry me
through the darkness of each lonesome night,
gently wiping away the tears of earthly weariness.
embracing me until the trembling of emptiness ceases.

invisible hands that delicately place me
upon a bed dressed in linens soft and cozy.
woven from silk spun from webs made of stars,
so far away from this forlorn world's ache.

invisible fingers that stroke my hair
in time to placid lullabies of angels i cannot hear yet,
steadily silencing the screaming in my soul for peace.
until my mind takes me to where madness fails to endure.

[tears.not.invisible.flow.freely; i.fall.upon.the.ground]

nay, my Angel, for my spirit is too weak;
my mortal soul regrettably impatient.
with shame i beseech Thee, upon my knees,
for tonight only allow me to cease to exist.


© paperflowers 2006
This discussion was created by WannaBeGeekGirl (461758) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Paper Pens Tears

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