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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: A damn good quote 3

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if i have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." ~Buddha

Wisdom from one confident enough in his advice that he can tell us to disregard his own words under certain conditions. I am in awe.

Speaking of wisdom. How I need it. The doctors, three of them, want me to take horomones that have exacerberated my depression terribly all four times tried in the past. They look at me, smile, tell me this is a new kind, it "might" be different, I "only have to try it for 3 months" to know if works. Only 3 months of meds that have four times taken me down the spiral of despair?

The clock ticks, if I start I have to start tonight before I sleep. If I don't, I have to stand up for my decision to not do it at all or to put it off another month.

That quote. My own reason, my common sense...everything I believe in, all the science I've studied tells me not to take these meds. Despite the fact that 3 doctors agree I should. They've never lived in my head. I would really like to sit at the feet of Budda and learn tonight, but I think he already gave me the advice I need on this one--I just need the courage. Time with a friend would be nice though.
This discussion was created by WannaBeGeekGirl (461758) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

A damn good quote

Comments Filter:
  • I don't know enough to give you specific advice. But you are the one who knows your body, and how it reacts to medications. It's unlikely that the doctors have experience going through what you have. You can make this decision, and stand by it. You've been making your decisions, and you can make this one. Believe in yourself - you are brave and thoughtful.
  • Look on the bright side. I hear cutting is a GREAT way to lower your blood pressure.
    • Look on the bright side. I hear cutting is a GREAT way to lower your blood pressure.

      Cutting does not in fact lower you BP, self-injury releases endorphins that give you a temporary high and bump up your BP. Unless of course you cut too deep and end up exsanguinating yourself, which is not so great because you are dead then. In fact, cutting and self-injury are not so great in general, I would know, I am a recovering self-injurer--specifically a cutter, of more years that I care to tell here. It is an addiction because of the chemical release I explained above. Its a damn hard one

Never ask two questions in a business letter. The reply will discuss the one you are least interested, and say nothing about the other.
