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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Cool site of the day!

Disclaimer: Linked site may be NSFW due to some artistic content. You have been warned.

Oh wow. I'm too poor to get this cool stuff. Plus I find that material attachment is fleeting and ends up adding to my stress load in the long term if I don't use the 6 month rule. Still, I have to show someone these nifty items that are giving me consumeritis this eve!

The site is http://shanalogic.com/ and I have no idea how I found it. Someone's website advertising is working though, it caught my attention. First and foremost, I adore this ring. True to its name, it reminds me of my youth and the fact that I refuse to completely grow up. Legos will always be a required part of my diet, and how creative that some artistic person put one on a ring with a diamond. Perfect romantic fodder for a guy lucky enough to have a gf that stays young at heart, I think! Makes a terribly romantic gift for V-day if things are getting a bit serious. ~swoon~

Okay, okay, my feet are back on planet Earth. Something else to wear but not as pricey, these stripey arm warmers look so comfy. Agreed, its the wrong time of year to think about warm clothes, but the office I coded in was always so cold. There are a variety of colors and some other cute patterns too of these that would have been great for having at work, the occasional Evanescence concert garb and winter too. I never could type in gloves, so these would be sweet for office layering.

In the "I know someone who I'd like to send these to, but I won't" department I found these awesome fill-in-the-blank thank you cards. I really don't like to be tacky, but its really getting old to send gifts to people and never even hear back from them to know if they received them. Normally I track them with UPS or something, but it takes a whole 30 seconds to type the word thanks and click send on an email. These are cute and funny, something my sister would fill out, self-address and stamp the envelope and include with a gift she sends so the person just has to sign it. I'm not that assertive yet.

Finally, in the art section they have this Boot Disc which is very camp, but pricey for someone with negative income like me. I'm not one to steal ideas, but piggy backing is a form of creativity. I'm thinking I might ask my dad who does woodwork as a hobby to make me the backing and teach me to stain it. Then I can get out the glue gun and stick an actual boot disc to it. (I have so many to choose from!) It will be my own, I won't capitalize off the idea. Home made cheesy art that saves having to find a recycle bin for one less floppy might be fun. Its a good way to express old Win 3.0 anger. Gosh I even have several boot/root disc pairs from very old Slackware installs I could put up next to it! Oops, so sorry, off on a tangent, my bad.

Hope you enjoyed the site. If so, reply with other cool sites that I can e-window-shop, please.
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Cool site of the day!

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