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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: don't you dare laugh 2


there are colors you will never see
lest your spirit be shroud in grey.
and melodies you may only hear
once your hope~beat fades away.

you'll feel sympathies for enemies
if you're a prisoner to your mind.
you might dare believe in angels
with serenity impossible to find.

© 2006 paperflowers

[this is my work so I took the liberty
of coining my own term.

hope~beat: that which distinguishes the
medical/legal definition of being alive
from actual living; for instance you can
walk this earth for years, breathing, your
heart beating, but without a hope~beat i
do not believe you are truly living. ~pf]
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don't you dare laugh

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  • Reading the title and the definition first, the theme of the poem was not what I expected. Do you think that the fading is permanent, or is it just clearer at some times that others?

    This one needs some thought.

    Tilde, rather than hyphen. Very symbolic choice. :-)

If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
