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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Underrated Anime: Arjuna

At the premiere of this series at AX one year, the English translation of the title was being called Earth Girl, Arjuna. I don't have my DVDs with me, but I think they scrapped that title and just called it Arjuna.

Its a quick watch, 4 discs with a total of 325 minutes. I think there are 13 episodes total. Its cheaper to buy Arjuna - The Complete Collection , then to get each disc separately, at least as I've looked around, thats been the case. Or put them in your Netflix queue. Its getting harder to find though. It came out in 2004, so they must have quit printing it.

Arjuna's soundtrack features the lovely Yoko Kanno's vocal and musical work and Shoji Kawamori, of Escaflowne fame directs.

The plot starts out a bit fantastic and a few episodes are a little convoluted, though nothing on the order of Eva. The further into the series you get, the more things fall into place, and by the end its an intelligent, eye-opening, animation with an element of supernatural powers and a twinkle of romance. The stories are about maintaining balance in life and nature. It made me think, but not so hard my head hurt, like after Evangelion. And it has and ending too. The OT/CT are a bit weird, but thats anime for you.

If you're not a big fan of subs, the dub on this was actually really decent. I'm an anime "purist" but I watched both the sub and dub and thought nothing was lost.

Al Gore may be a little mad that this "take care of your earth" series came out before his and is more interesting. YMMV. I'm a sucker for a Kanno/Kawamori series. Some people really didn't care for this, but I don't always listen to critics. I gave it a chance because the soundtrack and director were familiar and I'm glad to have done so.

Coming up soon...I'll attempt to review some Witch Hunter Robin if I continue to have a tiny bit of ego.
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Underrated Anime: Arjuna

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