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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: survival by expression: Paper heads for Sheets 4

I am exhausted. I cannot remember being this tired ever before, except carrying my luggage from the Jeep to my room. The semantics of "a weekend vacation" must temporarily not be applied in my life. Not with a broken foot, a disc injury in the lower back and massive lack of energy due to TRD. I didn't even factor in the meds and what the withdraw did to me or the altitude sickness. Haha. Maybe possibly maybe, I'm just getting old, at 33.8??

In any case, I am and was exhausted by the 500+ mile drive to Denver. I feel horrible, my sister bought tickets to Wicked 6 months ago and got really nice seats too for the entire family. I was in so much pain from my foot and back by intermission that I took a soma and vicadin on an empty stomach. (haven't been taking those for 3 months!) I took them because my foot hurt bad enough that my eyes were tearing up, and my back was spasming. Well, it solved the problem. Except we had our back to the middle wall near the front. So I just leaned back with my eyes open and passed out. (In college I taught myself to sleep with my eyes open because we had a 8am calc class you couldn't miss a single day of). So I slept through Act two of Wicked. ~cry~. Which I really wanted to see. I woke up at curtain call. Bummer. My body can only handle so much at once.

Then my Sister and Her Hubby want to go eat somwhere with alcohol, so we end up at an Irish pub called The Squealing Pig in Cherry Creek. I order a huge glass of sugary sprite hoping it'll wake me up and a samich. My sister order a "car bomb" and a pastie, her hubbie orders samich of somekind and a guinness, my mom orders a guinness and shepard's pie and my dad orders fish and chips and ice water with something? Grouse Scotch, neat. while I sit wondering who's driving home. But everyone sampled the scotch except me, I've had it and frankly its overrated. I don't think I should drive seeing as how its only beein 6 hours since I took the vicadin and soma.

However, my sister, her hubby, my Dad and Mom cannot drive safely in Denver traffic, particularly in Cherry Creek or on interestates or face it ANYWHERE. My mom is scared, my dad is type-A and I'm about ready to get out and call a cab.

Dad wins, drives, I navigate him back to the hotel. Everyone but Joyce and Lyle go to sleep. J and L go to either Ruby Tuesday's or Texas Roadhouse and drink more. I try to sleep, but anxiety about my broken a/c in my condo keeps me up along with pain in my broken foot. I call the front desk, like the 5 signs around the room suggest doing if theres anything they might be able to do to help make my stay more comfortable. An angry voice answers and says what do you want. I tentatively say, well the literature in the room said to call the front desk to see if you had something to make me more comfortable. (its 2:30am) I explain my foot is broken and I 'm trying to ice it, but the ice bags the put in the ice contairs are tiny and leak. I wondered if perhaps since the hotel serves breakfast, maybe they had some ziplock bags in the kitchen. (I've seen them, they keep the muffins and bagels in them)

But the angry lady tells me, no, we don't have stuff like that. she then says "do I look like a wallgreens to you?" sounding almost in tears. That makes me feel terrible like I made her cry. So I immediately apologize and tell her, I'm sorry, i was just going by the signs around the room that say to ask if there's anything "we, at the front desk can do to make your stay with us more comfortable." She tells me the vending machine has tylenol or alkaseltzer, but the comfort products are like toothbrushes, razors and make up removers. She recommends going to the ER at Aurora South if I'm in pain, as she is not a doctor. ~sigh~.

This supports my point in the article about women in IT last week or so. Where the women at the job fairs would admit to me they hated IT work but it was where the money was so they did it anyway. This woman at the hotel obviously hates her job, but keeps it because she needs the money. So she perfoms poorly, upsets others working around her and pisses off the guests. Maybe she should go into Crime scene cleanup. Yes, its not for the weak stomached, but you work hours of your choice, answere to no one, and if you stomach it, it pays well. Even if she's miserable in general, not just at her job, I don' think the corpses will care. (sorry, I'm tired and crass) Crime scene cleanup, for those who can handle it, is a lucrative career--often recommended to those who have trouble with schedules and people skills.

so much for a "restful weekend vacation." the A/C in my condo went out and I spent almost half a day while a kind gentleman installed a new one for me on a holiday weekend. i offered him everything to drink in my fridge except the alcohol and the carton of milk thats been there for 5+ years (going to be used in a practical joke or turned in at the next Aurora chemical and dangerous household items amnesty day, whichever comes first. Before you think I'm gross and evil. Some evil person put a BK Whopper in my glove box hiden at the back and I didn't find it for 2 years. So this food "war" (war seems like a strong term for it....) started a long time ago.

On my "weekend vacation":
  • I fell asleep during act 2 of Wicked
  • I found an Artoo UPSP mailbox! and had my pic taken with it!! yay.
  • Saw my bestfriend and her beautiful family of 3 little girls all with different, intelligent and positive personality, that she can take credit for, along with her husband. what a woman! living my dream to be a mom vicariously for me, because I can't. isn't that sweet of her.
  • Spent almost $4k to get a new A/C unit installed over a holiday weekend to save my record and laserdisc collection, along with some other art work in my condo. Ouch! hurts to spend what you don't have! =(
  • NM and CO are greener than usual for this time of year. Global warming is to blame.
  • Had 20 min free time and went to Best Buy and they didn't have the BRR Bjork Lullaby Renditions. ~cry~ Maybe next time. Bjork is a very imporant musician and person to me. Her style is everything I want mine to be!
  • Saw a new hardback from some guy who really doesn't like Ann Coulter. The cover is over her in some really skanky position. The back is pictures of her with some of her best quotes, one is something about women not deserving to vote and remaining submissive. The book was $40. I almost bought it, not to read, but to take the book jacket off of and hang up for when I need a good laugh. Sorry, I'm no hater, but she's hated plenty of people I like. She's gone after the poor, those that don't want highschool students carrying concealed weapons on campus, supporters of women's sufferage, and a whole lot of other non extremeist open-minded intelligent people I respect. The cover would be good for my depression. It makes me laugh. On a color copier that skanky picture of her could be blown up and made into a nice target for a dart board. She does have nice legs and intriguing lips, if she'd shut that mouth!

~falls into bed with crisp cool clean sheets for undetermined amount of time~

"if you could see the you that i see when i see you see me, you'd see yourself quite differently believe me."

~Henry Rollins

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survival by expression: Paper heads for Sheets

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  • Sounds like you need a vacation to recover from your vacation. :-)

    Getting old? I suppose that it's a matter of perspective. You've been through a lot, and that has to take a toll on you. Psychological exhaustion is also physically debilitating. I was in bad shape three or four years ago, aches and pains and exhaustion from even light exercise. Since then, I've found that even a moderate amount of exercise helps both physically and psychologically. Since walking is out while your foot heals (again), ha
  • Note #5 here []. :-)
    • ~limps off to stuff various sized ziploc bags in her travel bag pockets~

      wise advice noted, taken.

      not that I needed to hear it from CNN to be convinced, your original post about it was sufficient! in goes the ziplocs next to the obligatory deck of Fluxx [] for all those times i've been traveling with a group and we've ended up stuck. Stuck in a storm without electricity, in a line that doesn't move, in a really cheap hotel room, at a convention that isn't organized, wherever, whatever, if they're at al
      • I thought that it was an interesting coincidence, to see that after I had just told you about my Ziploc practices. It's funny how things seem to resonate. Of course, much of the effect is the mind picking out things that seem to go together, but it's interesting anyway.

        Fluxx looks quite cool. Thanks!

Use the Force, Luke.
