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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: survival by expression: Paper Covers Rock Grabs Pen 1

  • Media.
  • Lying, Flip-flopping Politicians.
  • People who will do anything to get on TV.
  • Paris Hilton getting out of half her jail sentence.
  • Cheryl Crow actually expects people to use ONE square to wipe their bums--isn't that asking for an ecoli breakout?(Cheryl you're a great musician, but stick to your day job.) One square is gross.
  • NM's top News Station has a started a Fugitive of the Week. My family and I speculated on this, does the fugitive get $100 off at the prison store and the shank of his choice if caught?)
  • Comedian's monologues that joke about what are really not that funny of humanitarian tragedies anymore...

{see following entry for poem which is PG-13 for languge}

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survival by expression: Paper Covers Rock Grabs Pen

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  • Media and politicians: as a society, we don't reward them for good behavior. Ideally, they should behave well anyway, but it clearly is nor happening. If we want improvements, it will be necessary to only buy/watch/browse media that behave well, and only vote for politicians that behave well. That's my general policy, but I honestly do not think it will happen - so, as a nation, we will get the media and politicians that we choose. I've stopped watching television almost entirely, though I did watch se

"Paul Lynde to block..." -- a contestant on "Hollywood Squares"
