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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: Lullabies Worth Waking Up For 4

If you want a twist on some old and maybe even new favorites, Michael Armstrong is using percussion to create a lullaby sound that is anything but tired to me. A friend with an ear to whats new and unique in the world of music turned me on to Baby Rock Record's Lullaby Renditions of Tool several months ago with a sample of the mellow chimey drug Opiate .

Since hearing that percussive treat, I've indulged in more of their albums than I want to admit. While the initial releases seemed to cater to a few harder genres, when I saw that The Eagles and No Doubt were in the queue to be released in this new format, I wasn't too surprised. Mr. Armstrong and the folks at BRR have been sweetly unpredictable with these lullaby albums that are toddler safe, but appealing to other ages too.

Of course, I found that for my tastes some of the artists work made the transformation exceptionally well, including Tool, The Cure and Metallica. I haven't heard it all yet though and YMMV--in fact I hope so. Some of my friends listen to this to relax, others prefer it to the lyrical versions for listening to while working. Very few have let their toddlers keep it even though that was the intended gift recipient.
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Lullabies Worth Waking Up For

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  • RadioHead's "OK Computer" is one of my favorite albums of all time, and I was amazed at how well they transformed the themes! This is some hot stuff!

    Alas, a few of the other albums just sounded like midi-file versions, which are actually available all over the 'net for free.

    And of course, now I wanna go looking for 'em, just like some internet scavenger hunt...

    ::dons Indiana Jones hat::

    • Alas, a few of the other albums just sounded like midi-file versions, which are actually available all over the 'net for free.

      I had the same experience, I didn't want to taint my pathetic attempt at a review with too many specifics. Some of the stuff is really cool while some of it does sound like midi versions of Meco hits from the seventies. Not that I don't own the vinyl Meco LP with Star Wars on it. ~blush~

      I can't help but agree with Radiohead's Ok Computer being quite the stuff.

  • by Otter ( 3800 )
    I usually sing them Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff, stuff like that...
    • I usually sing them Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff, stuff like that...

      Hey whatever works!! My parents are both completely tone deaf and don't sing, they played all kinds of records including Clockwork Orange, John Denver and Mozart to get me to sleep...

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