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Journal WannaBeGeekGirl's Journal: survival by expression: Paper Clings to Pen 1

i cannot hide from time

the dusty clock opposite my bed
in the corner of my unadorned room
blinks ignored, angry crimson LED numbers
failing to captivate me to set it.
it has done so for as long as i can remember.

the paper calendar hanging alongside my desk
is probably more sympathetic to the clock.
for its unused, wasted pulp pages
reflect a month and year long past present.
so long ago in fact,
that though now i finally pay it attention
i cannot attach any significance
as to why i chose then to stop turning it.

the only remaining measure of time's relentless passage
that catches my attention from within my darkness,
is a biological one attached to me.
adamant though silent,
acquiesced because it touches my skin,
submitted to for it literally blocks my view.

the long auburn curls i once cherished.
the hair i once spent so much time caring for.
at some point i chose to let my bangs grow out
just long enough to hide my sad sage eyes,
lest they harbor tears
i would not want the world to share.
now those curls upon my forehead
meant only to be a minute veil,
reach inches beyond my chin.
they shroud my entire countenance as well.

© 2007 paperflowers
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survival by expression: Paper Clings to Pen

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  • I like this one a lot. It's very evocative, of the kind of semi-melancholy mood that can come from the realization that time is passing. The contrast between the ways that we measure time - as impersonal as an LED alarm clock - and the intensely personal way that we do feel it passing (as in one's hair growing out).

    The last seven lines are very intensely drawn, in the best sense.

    More, please. (I am a demanding audience) :-) Seriously, though - when you feel ready, I would like to read more.

I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
