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Journal cyan's Journal: A Well-Oiled Machine

I just got off the radio with VE6SZS, one of eight (including myself) licensed amateur radio operators in town. Scott was born and raised right here in Grande Cache, and has lived here all his life. So, we shot the shit for a while, being one who grew up here myself. Talked about the changes in town, things like that. A year or so ago, I could've rented a whole condo for $300 per month! Hah! Now that the oil industry has moved in, things are different. It turns out that the change with Vegas Pizza came about when the owners of the business handed it down to their son. The son, being younger, decided that changing it into a bar would be a good idea.

It turns out that the broken repeater is in Scott's basement and had undergone repairs over the winter. He plans to re-install it up on Grande Mountain as soon as the road opens up there. The mountain tops here are still heavily caked with snow, so the trek up there must not be easy. We also discussed field day a bit, my need to get a HF rig, and how HF conditions here are so beautiful that they allow for some amazing contacts. Alaska, Texas, Mexico... all coming in as if they were next door. Definitely need to get myself a HF rig.

Work is going great, better than I expected. It's a refreshing change of pace to work with people who all work together. I had completely forgotten what that feels like. We're just working away like a finely-tuned machine to get everything done. It's great to not have to constantly be on the defensive, or on the offensive. To not have to justify, fight, or explain. We just *work*, and it feels great.

Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. - John Keats
