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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Is it over yet? 25

Ok, so here is my freak out...

I am really really stressed right now. I do not want to go back to P-town next week. My mom is apparently big time freaking out over the wedding, and she's stressing me out through emails and IM's about everything.

Just so that you have an idea on how crunched time is at this point: 2 weeks from today. That is when the wedding will be.

The extra flowers we had to order have not been started on yet. They are silk. My mom said that the florist was "going to start on them early next week". So now I am worried that this will not be done. It's not a terribly large order so once she starts it shouldn't take that long. I just did not want to have to worry about this.

I no longer have a hair appointment. Because the hairdresser my mom wants me to have might not be in town that day anymore. But my mom wants to hold out and wait on her. Or I have the option of trying to find a new hairdresser when I get back into town which basically gives me a week. Not something I wanted to have to worry about.

Still have to schedule engagement photos. Which I can't do until I get into town, and mom makes it sound like she isn't going to do it, even if I said "this day and time".

Have to talk to church man next friday. Have to make my list of the changes that need to be made. Expecting this meeting to go very badly. I wasn't happy with the way he did some of the things at the last meeting, and I told fiance that. I did not tell fiance my solutions though, because I knew that would be a fight. Better to just tell everyone all at once. Because I am not backing down.

Bridal Shower Attempt 2 is making a little more progress, but I still don't see it coming to fruition. 2 weeks left, and no invitations sent out. No day or time picked out. I may email her back again and tell her not to bother, because right now I feel like this is a pointless additional stress.

This could just be that I am still pissed off at my mom right now. She asked me if I wanted to come back with my dad on Sunday, so as to have a few extra days to work on stuff. I wanted to scream "NO!!!" because that is a few extra days of stress under her constant fretting and picking.

Wedding registry is a sodding mess. I made several attempts at correcting it (while talking to mom -- bad idea) but for some reason the damn website logged me out every time I clicked a link, so I was only able to remove 1 thing, but I couldn't put the additional things, including the replacement dishes, on there. Fuck.

While I talked to mom, she reminded me of all the things I will be busy doing when I get home, which I didn't want to think about at this point. I wish she would have let me bring some of the stuff here to work on, because I've got all the fucking time in the world, but I have to wait until I am under her supervision and this huge anvil of a time constraint to work on it.

I am just so frustrated right now, because I feel like it's not going to come together and it's going to be totally miserable. I don't understand why mom went through all that harping to make me stressed out with her "all these things are not done yet and I am totally freaking out on my friend from stress" and then try to make it better with "oh, I'm sure it will be fine" when I told her she was making me feel not confident.

This is going to be a disaster. I can't wait until it is over with.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Is it over yet?

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    • This must be why I read in the wedding planning books (written by actual wedding consultants) that most of their brides end up being so sloshed that they have to watch the video to know what happened at the wedding.

      PS: what is the definition of "clusterfucky"?

  • But I'll give it anyway: Either hire a professional to plan the wedding, or plan it yourself with the fiancé, but under no circumstances ever let family do it.

    I've been to my fair share of weddings (including one of my own), and involving your family in the planning process too much - especially letting them take charge - just causes the preparations to be more stressful and the wedding to cost more.

    The wedding is about you and your spouse-to-be, not about them. Do it your way and don't let them ste
    • hire a professional to plan the wedding ... but under no circumstances ever let family do it

      A pro would have been the way to go, because everything would have been done way in advance, not down to the wire. I mean, sure we'd have to wait on some things, but the plans would be done.

      or plan it yourself with the fiancé

      That was the original idea I had, but he was disinterested, and remained mostly uninvolved throughout the whole process. When I talked to him about it he would find something

      • but he was disinterested, and remained mostly uninvolved throughout the whole process

        That's too bad. I was pretty involved: I bought a laser printer and fancy paper and designed and printed the invitations, I helped her pick out a dress, I helped pick out champagne flutes, and I did a bunch of other things.

        We also set a limit on the cost of the wedding at $5,000. Weddings cost way too freakin' much.
        • Well, I guess he was involved to the extent I made him be. He did take me dress shopping, which I think he enjoyed, because I had no one else here to take me. He went to the store with me to help set up a registry but got bored before we finished.

          I am trying to think of other things he was actively involved in. I think that's pretty much it though. Most of the time he doesn't even have an opinion about the things I ask him about specifically. But when I've made up my mind to not do something he

  • I've spoken my piece in the past, and I'll not belabor it. I hope that things go as well for you as they possibly can. A marriage is difficult enough, without grievances from the wedding day going forward.

    Good luck, and much happiness.
    • Oh how I wish, wish, wish I had stood my ground on eloping. My mom would kill me at this point though, assuming I could get fiance to come with me.

      Thanks for the good wishes. I will need all the (good) luck I can get.

    • Well, if it makes it any better, you've almost convinced me to do so. :^)

      Good luck, qot1r. I hope you still have some sanity left in two weeks' time.
      • you've almost convinced me to do so.

        Only almost convinced? Man, I've been slacking. ;-) In all honesty, I've been telling everyone who asks about the wedding plans that they should elope.

        Thanks for the wishes of luck and sanity. I shall need them both.

  • Fwiw, my wife's hairdresser flaked out at the last minute. Suddenly she said she couldn't do what my wife wanted, even though they had discussed it before.... This was about two hours before showtime.

    So my wife leaves the hairdresser all stressed out, and does her own hair at the church, just before the ceremony.

    Truth to be told, as she was walking down the aisle, I thought she was completely beautiful. She doesn't wear her hair up top like she did that day, but I thought it looked very stylish. It wasn't

    • Thanks for the luck, I will need it. :-)

      I might be able to get my MoH to do it, I will have to talk to her about it when I see her. I just don't want my mom to do it. She is the one who wanted the hairdresser involved. Just an extra point of stress.

      Oh well, I can always just wear it down, which I don't do that often. Assuming the humidity is low it shouldn't be too bad.

  • Elope. To Madrid. I'll be there that weekend. I'll buy the two of you lots of jugs of sangria ;-)
    • Some Guy and I are considering eloping to Barcelona. (Yes, after all the mockery. Mostly I just discovered Cava and need more!)
      • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
        Barcelona is nice... you get the big city, it's close to some nice beaches, and it's close to Cava country ;-)
    • *hugs*

      That actually sounds really awesome! I had actually researched places to visit in Madrid while in highschool. Como los museos.

      Bebe una sangria para mi! :-D

      • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
        Now see, you could be our interpretor. We don't speak any Spanish. Except for una cerveza, por favor ;-)
        • I took 4 years of spanish in school, I'm not really sure how much of it I retained.

          Most important phrase: "Donde esta el baño" -- "where is the bathroom" ;-)

          derecha is right, izquierda is left

          Now when you drink the sangria you will be able to follow the waitstaffs directions to the bathroom. ;-)

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FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
