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The Internet

Journal twitter's Journal: Internet Archive Recognized by California as a Library

The Internet Archive is announcing their official recognition by the State of California as a library. This is an interesting milestone and makes them eligible for particular Federal funds. Congratulations to them.

This is a good occasion to reflect on copyright, patents and digital restrictions and their overall impact on society. The Internet Archive only contains works without restrictions but is a rich and thriving place. Can physical and restricted digital works compete? Do we want our right to read and share published works controlled by publishers and software patent holders? Should we try to impose physical limitations on digital works? The EU, at least, does not think so, but others are fighting for restrictions.

Humility is key to understanding the real power copyrights give publishers. "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.", wrote Isaac Newton. The contributions of any single person are trivial compared to the body of human knowledge.

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Internet Archive Recognized by California as a Library

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