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Journal dextr0us's Journal: yeah, so there is this girl.... 10

how many stories have you heard start out like that? well this is definetly one of those. There is this girl, and she's pretty freaking good looking, and pretty freaking awesome, and she likes emo. What more could a guy ask for? she likes a lot of stuff i like, and she seems to understand me when i'm depressed. Its pretty rad.

The only problem is that i might be moving. OR, she might be moving, OR a combination of the two. yeah, that sucks.

Oh yeah, you know whats freaking awesome? Channel One, the network owned by primedia, has an opening for an anchor. So i sent in my tape and the sort, we'll see what happens. Its in LA, a far far distance away from Ogden, Utah, so if i get it i will be happy minus the fact i don't get to ever see my family again. That part will suck.

yeah, so if you're the girl reading this that i like.... you gotta understand where i'm coming from. No one ever reads my journal, so i'm not really concerned, but we'll just hope.

-- addendum

oh yeah, there is another reason why i'm an inept emo fag as someone so graciously put it.... the whole i like being friends and what happens after if we're not friends. If i end up staying, i think that i'd want to risk this, because she is pretty rad.....

and rad is definetly a compliment in my pseduo-emo language

--addendum #2
in case you don't know, let me spell it out for you. OH MY HECK. HECK... DANG.... HECK... SEEDLESS GRAPES.....

ok, that should do :P

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yeah, so there is this girl....

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