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Hardware Hacking

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Call me Bitchy 4

Finally we have airconditioning in our apartment. Considering it cleared the 85 degree mark inside here the past couple of days, it's about time.

When the landlord called after the repairman left, I asked him for a discount on rent because we were without heat for 3 months and air for an additional month. We get $50 off now.

He tried to make me feel guilty by saying how he paid "a considerable amount" to heat the apartment below ours (which is empty) so that we would not freeze. Which he immediately relented saying that if it had been rented out, the heat would have been on anyways. To be honest, I think half of the units are empty right now due to disrepair.

After he conceded on the money off, he asked if we would be renewing our lease. To which I tried not to laugh.

The one thing I am afraid of is that he will now try to cheat us out of our deposit money to "recoup his losses" which will make me very upset. I am used to cleaning for dorm inspections, so I know how to clean. The place was such a mess when we got here, it will be in better shape when we leave, no matter what.

I don't feel bad.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Call me Bitchy

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  • ... of what the report of what the apartment looked like BEFORE you got in. Usually, they do a walkthrough of the apartment before you move in (or, at least, when the last person moved out). Go through that list and make sure its at least at that list, if not better, and you will have legal proof if he tries to cheat you...
    • Yes, we have a copy of that. They never did the walk-through with us though, we did it and mailed it with our rent. after we moved in. Essentially they left town the day after we signed the lease. They have only been back a couple of days at a time since, which is why it has taken so long to get anything fixed.

      I am unimpressed by them.

  • That should be grounds for free rent.

    When Some Guy rented his last apartment, we photographed all existing imperfections with a newspaper in the shot to verify the date taken. I hope he doesn't try to pull anything on you guys. :^(
    • Actually, I think it is a code violation to rent out an apartment that does not have heat. Air conditioning is optional though. If I remember the law correctly in my area. So technically, if it busted like a week sooner, I don't think he would have been allowed to rent it out at all.

      So, long story short, I think we should have gotten free rent too.

      That was a good idea about the newspaper photographs. If he says anything about something being wrong and having to charge for it, I will raise yet a

The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
