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Journal Elliot_Lin's Journal: "Use a non-broken toolchain"

OK, Here goes for another rant. When my GCC throws an error, and I mention it to the devs, it is immediately my 'toolchain's fault'. OK, maybe my tool chain has been compiled by someone different than the original devs... but I am pretty sure that the Debian devs do not spend their time manually tinkering with the tool chain so as to break it. An error in compiling is an error in compiling. No difference whether its Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Familiar, DSL, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS, Haiku or whatever the hell I am supposed to use. GCC is GCC. If it were that different they'd mention that in release notes. But guess what? It isn't. There's a reason for that, the distro devs have to compile the Same things that I do probably more! So, if you write code, support it from version of GCC *.*, ignoring whatever the hell distro I choose to run it on. Thank you
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"Use a non-broken toolchain"

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