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Journal eno2001's Journal: AMERICA: Endangering the Lives of Our Daughters 11

Thank you very much Justice Kennedy for taking the first step towards potentially endangering the lives of many young women, my daughter included, by upholding a federal ban on partial birth abortio(pba)n. Yes, pba is grotesque. Yes, it's a traumatic experience for the woman who may need to undergo it. But is it any more grotesque than what we do to innocent Iraqis? Is it any more traumatic than what our soldiers go through when they know they have to kill more innocent people, when they may not want to be in Iraq anymore? No. However, thanks to your swift thinking, you've now accomplished multiple goals. I can't credit you though. You're merely a simple pawn in what I guarantee will eventually become a real full blown war in America if your side doesn't change course.

Hey! Democrats!!! Look you gutless wonders... The Republicans just went nuclear for 2008! They have you checked an mated. You're fucked. Game over. 2008 is going to be the election that surrounds the issue of abortion. The Republicans are going to make it that. They know that their lunatic fringe voters will outnumber the pro-choice voters since most of America is too stupid to even think deeply about this. So if any of you run as being pro-choice, you're committing political suicide. And if you don't, then you risk not getting the support of one of your strongest bases: women. The same goes for ANY presidential candidate on the left with a history of supporting pro-choice. If you have any spine left in you, you NEED to find a way to simultaneously support choice and keep it OUT of the discussion for the 2008 presidential election. Sounds pretty impossible to me.

WARNING: Graphic stuff below. Skip this if you don't want to read my views on sex You have been warned..

On a personal note, since I have a daughter who will likely be affected by any future rulings against her own choices, I have every right to be even angrier than before. I'm going to say this to be completely clear... I believe in sex for pleasure. Pure pleasure. 99% free of the worries of pregnancy. That's the world my wife and I grew up in. I've been "screwing" happily since my mid teens. I want my daughter to enjoy that same privilege when she's ready too. Be that age 15, 17, or 21. But I want her to be able to enjoy it without having to worry that IF she gets pregnant, that she has to screw up the rest of her life by raising a child when she's NOT ready to do that. This is the simple and basic truth. We're ready to have sex and enjoy it, in many cases, long before we're ever ready to actually be parents. I spent over half my life having sex for pleasure and will continue to do so until I die. That is EVERY person's "right to life". And I sure as hell wasn't ready to be a parent until my mid thirties at the earliest. It looks like the kid's college fund may be redirected to the kid's escape fund from this shit hole of a country. Fuck you justice Kennedy. And fuck ANYONE who thinks this is a good move.

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AMERICA: Endangering the Lives of Our Daughters

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Personally I would like to see safe and effective free birth control for anyone who wants it. I guarantee this would be way more effective at curbing abortions than any law banning abortion. But for some people apparently that isn't the issue; they don't want to attack the problem, they want to wail and gnash their teeth and moan about the symptoms instead.That is what we are best at after all: finding issues to divide this country, rather than working on solutions to actually solve problems while completel
    • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
      That sounds quite reasonable and I agree 110%. My only concern is that I've definitely heard rumblings from the pro-life side that birth control is another form of abortion and they're targeting that next. So I don't want to remain complacent about sexual freedom as it's certainly under attack. However, at the same time, I think the right is going to rally around abortion as the key issue to get the vote out in 2008. And that's a sticky wicket that is going to hamstring anyone trying to counter the righ
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        How about this: allow for free abortions (not state sponsored) and free birth control (which I think should be state sponsored, since it benefits society as a whole), with the option for parents to opt their children out. Feel free to limit your children's options, but please give me and my kids the chance to make decisions for ourselves. But seriously, what all of this boils down to is choice: some people only see the world in black and white (and not too suprisingly, their worldview is the "right" way, an
      • Just tell these people if they don't leave us alone, we will catch them masturbating and bring up charges of reckless abandonment [].

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