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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: A wedding update 2

I don't know why I ever feel like writing about the wedding (I don't really feel like it right now though) because I hate talking about it. I don't even like to think about it that much because it stresses me out.

Last night I bought fiance a black suit to wear. It's pretty nice. Going to see if I can exchange the jacket for one with fewer buttons later on because they only had the 3-buttons at the store. I also bought the wedding bands.

Still need to find ties, bells, I guess a veil. Try to restylize the new invitations to match the old ones (since fiance had one more invitee than we had invitations, last minute). Select music.

I have to finish the stupid registry too. We don't have enough room for the stuff we have now. I'm tired of the registry. I feel like most of the guests won't buy presents anyways. Probably not getting a party...

I talked to Amanda finally. It was a little more than a week after the party was supposed to have been. Apparently her and fiance had gotten into a big fight about it, and he had prompted her to apologize. I still had to initiate the conversation with her. She made me feel like a burden. I certainly don't feel like making things any easier on her this time around.

No word from Priscilla. Probably won't get an apology from her even if I ask for it.

I guess I have a maid of honor now. I don't really know why I ended up asking her. She already had a dress she wore in someone else's wedding that would work fine. My mom finally stopped harrassing me about not having any attendants. Fiance better hold up his end of the bargain and ask his cousin to be his best man. Because if he asks one of the two friends he had planned on asking (whenever I decided to outlaw attendants) I will probably recancel them and have to figure out a nice way to unask the poor girl. Oh good, he just finally asked him, so now I guess I can stop worrying about that.

Oh, and I also have to tell the church man that everything we agreed on last time I have changed my mind about. Because I didn't really like what we agreed on before anyways, I was just not in the mood to talk about it then. I guess I should tell fiance about it too. Not looking forward to that argument.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

A wedding update

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