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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: migration? 17

Looks like the migration away from slashdot (to multiply) seems to have worked this time. I know that I personally do not post much but I always liked reading stuff from everyone else. I have no intentions of moving at this time for various reasons (no threaded comments!, if I wanted you to see my pic I'd find a way anyways, already have too many journals that I don't write in).

I should probably just close down this account, since the amount of time I spend here is no longer justified by the amount there is to actually do/read. I probably won't be able to make that step though.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • I should probably just close down this account, since the amount of time I spend here is no longer justified by the amount there is to actually do/read. I probably won't be able to make that step though.

    I've actually been considering closing both accounts, for various reasons.

    Not that I think anyone would even notice, at this point.

    Multiply is... there, and since it's blocked from work and I'm too busy at home, I maybe get to read 1% of what's posted over there, and this place is being overrun by t
    • I would notice if you left, and I'm sure many others would to. Although you have been posting much less frequently (quite like myself).

      I think the problem with multiply is that it is the "grass is always greener" syndrome and I really don't think the extra features and flash are worth moving over for. Plus this is where I started, and I feel like I should stay. I agree that trolls are a big problem here, and that's why I stay off the main page and just stick to the journal area.

      All through schoo

  • Much like what RG said - it's blocked at work, and I can't (or do not care to) devote enough "other" time to keep up. The email updates get through, but it's too much work to sift through the junk to find the things are are actually worth reading. Slashdot fits my reading habits well; Multiply does not. Despite a fair amount of delving into their settings, the blockage at work means that I can't really make it work the way I want it to.

    I'll continue to post here for a while, most likely at the same fairl
    • I guess the biggest thing for me is that the circle leaving slashdot came at a rather bad time for me. This was the place I usually came when things were rough, and now it feels like there isn't any place to come back to really. Thanks for proving me wrong. :-)

      I actually had started to post a wedding (and other) update journal entry, but for some reason I wrote this one instead.

      I actually have been meaning to email you (or AIM you) for a really long time. It got to the point where I would start

      • I know exactly what you mean about the timing. There were three other less than positive changes at almost exactly the same time. If I were prone to depression, I would have been in trouble. :-) And I will be here for a while. And another group may coalesce. It happened once, so it can happen again. And (as should be obvious) I do not give up on things easily. :-D

        Sometimes the writing goes where it wants, not where you want. :-) When you're ready to do a wedding update, I would not mind. I am pullin
  • How are you doing? I mean really doing? You can send private mail/AIM if you want...
    • There is some movie quote that I think is from "I, Robot". "Now you're asking the right question."

      I will try to have the courage to answer it (most likely via email). Thanks for caring.

  • Click the little link that says "threaded."

    Hope everything is going bearably right now.
    • Click the little link that says "threaded."

      Oh thanks, I had not noticed that. It will make my brief forays into multiply land a bit more tolerable.

      Hope everything is going bearably right now.

      That's probably the most sensible thing that anyone has ever said to me. And thank you.

      Things have been very stressful, but I guess I am managing. The wedding is about to give me an anxiety attack though.

  • I was a part of the various other (failed) migrations and wasn't willing to set up shop over there if it turned out to be yet another temporary fling. Given that it appears that the Multiply migration has reached a critical mass, I am going there more than here. (IMHO Multiply isn't better or worse than Slashdot, it just sucks differently.) It has always been more about the community than the place and it seems that the community os mostly intact. You should really try and see how it fits with you.

    I'll cont
    • It seems to be mostly like livejournal, which is a shame that no one decided to go there, because I already had an account there that I haven't been using. I guess I could start searching around on multiply more to see what features it has that I could actually use. Maybe eventually I'll set up camp there.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I agree with Sam, I'd give multiply a shot if you can swing it.

      As you can tell from my UID, I've been on slashdot for quite some time (and even longer if you take into account that I waited about 8 months before registering), but you know, slashdot is going belly up.

      I've met Rob Malda before, worked with Jamie to debug subscriber features, and put a lot of my own time and effort into slashdot. And I've pretty much left. Why? Because the slashdot crew just doesn't get it any more and are not doing a single t
      • I guess I'll investigate multiply a little more. When I had checked on it previously at the beginning of the migration, it just didn't seem like the right thing for me. But maybe it has changed a lot since then.

        And I really hope you're doing alright. There was something about your post which felt very... down. I hope I'm wrong, but as tuxette offered already, if you want to shoot off an email or talk in a non-public venue, the option is always on the table.

        Thanks for the concern and offer of help

    • You can still e-mail me as well to "talk", or hit me up if you see me on chat.

      Thanks for the offer. I may take you up on it sometime.

      Like you said, there are other things that I should be putting my energy into. I honestly couldn't tell you what I actually spend my days doing though. My online life has stagnated a good deal, but I don't actually have any activities to fill that void yet either.

  • ...
    I'm here less often -- but that was true because of the job change, too.
    Haven't gone completely away.

Work expands to fill the time available. -- Cyril Northcote Parkinson, "The Economist", 1955
